The Spicy Kittens were formed in 2008 by Diddy Hyun for the purpose of providing dance, music and voice shows to SL residents. Diddy is an expert choreographer and everyone in the Kittens & Tigers dance troupe has learned their skills from her. Once Diddy formed the Spicy Kittens - Bubbles Xurina joined about a month later. Gradually the troupe has grown to 7 members with Vally Lavender being the most recent addition. Members are founder Diddy Hyun (Didds), Bubbles Xurina (Bubs), Cilla Teebrook (Cilly), Rayzza Rubble, Tone Larnia, Jam Xurina, and Valium Lavender (Vally).
Diddy Hyun, founder of the Spicy Kittens
With the addition of the male troupe members the group has come to be known as Kittens & Tigers rather than Spicy Kittens. However the girls still call themselves Spicy Kittens. The Kittens & Tigers dance troupe has performed for a wide variety of venues since 2008. They now have a home sim at "Monkey Beach" where you will often find them practicing their dance moves. About twice per month they put on a performance called "What's New Pussycat?" which is soap opera style. They are now beginnning Episode 6 which is sure to delight all types of audiences. The Kittens and Tigers also have special shows they can put on at your venue if you so desire such as a (in the works) musical from the movie "Grease". Most peformances last approximately 40-45 minutes.
If you are interested in booking the Kittens & Tigers contact Diddy Hyun for details The Kittens & Tigers perform for free but ask they be allowed to place a tip board out.